Interference Journal Open Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Call for Papers:  (Issue 4)

Deadline for Abstracts: April 16th 2012
Submit Abstracts to:
Submission Guidelines

Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture has three issues currently in various stages of completion since its establishment in 2010. This includes our inaugural issue, An Ear Alone is not a Being, currently online, A Sonic Geography, available in Spring 2012 and Noise Please, our third issue currently in progress and due for publication in Autumn 2012. At this moment in time we would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has helped us so far: contributors, editorial board, advisory panel, referees and academic institutions CTVR, Trinity College Dublin and The Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (Gradcam) for their ongoing support. The inauguration of an academic journal through an open access model is a collective project built on free labour, and can’t be sustained without the ongoing collaboration and generosity of a broad community.

While still a relatively new discursive platform, Interference would like to take the opportunity in our fourth call for papers to invite submissions for a more open call, stepping momentarily outside the strong thematics that have shaped our previous three publications. At this crucial stage, we, as a community, wish to reflect on the breadth of disciplinary orientations and perspectives that populate audio cultures, a theoretical and practical richness that continues to strike us with each successive call we circulate.

We use this call to encourage contributions that are metacritical of audio cultures, in it’s epistemic, theoretical and methodological orientations, and invite papers that approach sound studies from a multitude of perspectives. This might address the growing currency of sonic methodologies such as soundwalking, deep listening and field recording in qualitative research, or alternatively, explore the application and recombination of frameworks informing diffuse areas such as media theory, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, musicology and performance to the audible as a cultural trope. In every instance we aim to contribute to the development of a disciplinary field that is working to establish a set of common territories, vocabularies and frames of practice.

Interference balances its content between academic and practice based research and therefore accepts proposals for both academic papers and accounts of practice based research.

Deadline for Abstracts: April 16th 2012
Submit Abstracts to:
Submission Guidelines:

Trans-X Symposium Call for Papers

Deadline March 16, 2012

New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) is pleased to announce Trans-X,
a symposium about Transmission Art May 25-27, 2012
We are now inviting proposals for papers

Rooted in the earliest experiments with radio, Transmission Art has continued to flourish with experiments with wireless communications technology over the past 100 years. The 21st Century is not excluded from this experimentation as artists have ventured into exploring a variety of mobile-based platforms and more lesser known forms of transmission such as VLF. The terrain of transmission art is dynamic and fluid, always open to redefinition.  With NAISA being a sound art organization, we ask the question, what new sound experiences are possible in the transmission and mobile media platforms? We would like the new artists of today to answer our challenge.

The Trans-X symposium, part of the Deep Wireless Festival of Radio & Transmission Art, will focus on transmission art, with particular interest in paper contributions that summarize, examine or reframe traditions and histories of transmission art practices, technology, education and pedagogy. Additionally, we are very interested in paper presentations that go beyond the local contingent to give a sense of what new technologies of international transmission activity might sound like.

Proposals related to any aspect of transmission art practice are welcome. Submit a 500-1000 word abstract, and a biography of 250 words or less, to the symposium’s Review Committee at:

All symposium contributions will be webcast live, and text proceedings will be published on-line on the NAISA web-site.

Important Information
Deadline for receipt of proposals: Friday March 16, 2012 @ 11:59 PM EST
Notification of acceptance: Monday April 2, 2012
Symposium sessions including workshops, keynote lectures, papers and panel discussions: May 26 & 27, 2012
Keynote address by Galen Joseph-Hunter, author of Transmission Arts: Artists & Airwaves and Executive Director of free103point9
Deep Wireless Festival concerts: May 25 and 26, 2012 @ 20:00
Symposium registration fees (General): $70 (includes admission to all concerts)
Symposium registration fees (Student): $35 (includes admission to all concerts)
Questions and requests for further information should be directed to:

Review Committee:
Galen Joseph-Hunter, author of Transmission Arts: Artists and Airwaves
Anna Friz, post-doctoral fellow, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Gregory Whitehead, radio artist / co-editor of Wireless Imagination
Jonathon Guberman, Site 3 coLaboratory
Geoffrey Shea, OCAD University
Tetsuo Kogawa, Tokyo Keizai University

Call for Contributions, Digital Humanities Symposium

Digital Humanities Symposium: Virtualisation and Heritage

Saturday 25th February 2012

We are very pleased to announce that The University of York, UK, will be hosting the event Digital Humanities Symposium: Virtualisation and Heritage on the 25th of February 2012.  This event seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners in the digital humanities who focus on different aspects of heritage.  We are interested in paper presentations, posters and workshop proposals.  The topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Acoustic modelling of heritage sites
  • Virtual modelling of heritage sites
  • Data capture
  • Dissemination and cultural heritage
  • Virtual modelling for public display
  • Virtual modelling for research
  • Technical developments and applications
  • Media archiving and digital restoration
  • Ethics of heritage preservation and reconstruction

Please send abstracts of 300 words to

The full Call for Papers and the Registration Form can be found at:

Important Dates:

Deadline for Abstract Submission:  22nd January 2012

Deadline for Registration: 11th February 2012

Please send queries and submissions to

Spatial Music Collective Call for Works

See PDF below:

SMC Call for Works 2011

In short:

To celebrate the acquisition of our very own eight-channel loudspeaker array, the Spatial Music Collective is pleased to announce an open call for works for a concert in October 2011 (date TBD). This competition is open to all composers, regardless of age or nationality. Composers at an early stage in their career are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will have an opportunity to workshop their piece with members of the collective prior to the concert performance.

See link for Submission Guidelines. Due date is September 10.

Update to Sound Art/Installation ISSTC Call

Based on some early questions, there has been an update to the Sound Art/Installation ISSTC Call regarding space and technical requirements.

Please be clear what technical requirements you can provide. Not all equipment may be available, so the more you can provide, the better.

Not all technology requests can be provided. This may affect the success of a submission.

Sensorium Call for Works

If you are already putting something together for our Convocation, why not look into the Sensorium call, as well. From Judith Ring:



The Link Project presents S E N S O R I U M a weeklong festival of new music from Irish and international artists featuring workshops, talks and concerts promoting a wide range of non-commercial musical disciplines to stimulate the senses. The type of music being presented covers electro-acoustic works, audio visual displays, improvisation, performance art and contemporary dance presented in a alternative and exciting manner.

The events are curated by composers Judith Ring, Angie Atmadjaja and Emily Kalies and will run from the 7th until the 12th of March 2011 in the Cube, Project Arts Centre, Dublin.

We would like to invite you to submit a piece between 5 – 15 minutes long for performance at S E N S O R I U M. The pieces can be tape pieces or audio-visual works, or any other type of pieces not requiring a performer (unless you can provide them at your own expense).

4 – 6 pieces shall be chosen from the submissions and performed at the main S E N S O R I U M events on the 11th and 12th of March.

Don’t miss the potential opportunity to have your piece performed at one of the most exciting musical events of the year!

All submissions can be sent by post to:

Judith Ring
37 Reginald Street,
The Coombe,
Dublin 8

Or email an .mp3 (to be replaced by an uncompressed version if chosen) or a link to an .avi/.mov etc… (in the case of an audio-visual piece) to:

Deadline: 1st February 2011

For more information on our event please visit:

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