Online concerts of audio artwork
Fri 14 + Sat 15 August 2020
Register now
The worldwide spread of COVID-19 and the associated social changes have impacted our lives in a manner that has no precedent in recent times. How has the initial shock changed our professional and personal relationships? Does this pandemic mark a permanent change to how we work and share? Is this a societal event that will soon be normalised?
ISSTA has invited international artists working with sound to share their responses to this situation as composers and performers. We have curated a series of three concerts featuring live performance and fixed media works in audio and video formats. We feel that this selection of work demonstrates a range of changing methods of individual practice, collaboration, and sonic discovery made during 2020.
Concert 1: Living Spaces
Friday 14 August 2-4pm BST
An afternoon concert of music and discussions with composers and performers on themes of listening, field recording, soundscapes and sonic environments.
Featuring performances and works by Bill Vine, Caroline Boë, Evidence, Judith Goodman & David Ross, Michael Speers, Pete Stollery, Sarah Ellen Lundy, Teddy Hunter and Viv Corringham.
Concert 2: Consequences
Friday 14 August 7-9pm BST
An evening concert of music and discussions with composers and performers on themes of chance, improvisation, synthesis and tonality.
Featuring performances and works by Adam Pultz Melby, Ben Glas, Brian Bridges, Catherine Lee & Juniana Lanning, Eric Lyon, HIVE Choir, Iris Garrelfs, Lars Bröndum, Lynlee, Mirism, and Monty Adkins & Hali Santamas
Concert 3: Transitions
Saturday 15 August 7-9pm BST
An evening concert of music and discussions with composers and performers on themes of systems, networks, collaboration and distortion.
Featuring performances and works by Cecilia Suhr, Didem Coskunseven & Shania Selvendran, John Bowers & Paul Stapleton, John D’Arcy, Laura Nygren & Michele Cheng, Rob Casey, Rosa Park, The Quiet Club
We hope these concerts will allow us to come together in convivial atmospheres where we can share our insights, discoveries, and accomplishments.
How to attend
Please register for free at Eventbrite.
We have chosen Zoom as our online concert platform, due to its low barrier to entry and support for high-quality audio.
After registering for the event, you will receive a link to join the web concert on Fri 14th Aug.
Please check our recommended audio settings for the Zoom app.
For any queries contact: isstaevents[at]gmail.com
Information for Artists
Opportunities for testing/sound-check for live performances will be available in advance on Friday 7 August. . You will receive information about this from ISSTA.
For any queries contact: isstaevents[at]gmail.com
The Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association promotes sonic practice both in Ireland and around the world, through our network of friends and collaborators. Since 2011, ISSTA has hosted an annual conference and festival, gathering together papers, installations, concerts, and workshops. In this, our tenth year, ISSTA will encourage distributed practice through online platforms. The first action will be a live web concert Sonic Practice Now in August 2020.
ISSTA is committed to creating a convivial environment diverse in gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, age, and ethnicity.
ISSTA is not in receipt of external funding. We regret that due to this we are unable to pay artist fees.
ISSTA Board and Organising Committee 2020
Dr. Jenn Kirby, President
Dr. Robin Parmar, Vice–President and Treasurer
Dr. Rob Casey, Secretary
Dr. John D’Arcy, Web
Dr. Brona Martin, PR