ISSTC 2011 Highlights


The first annual Irish Sound, Science and Technology Convocation, University of Limerick, August 10-11, 2011


Listen to the podcast series about the founding of ISSTA and the first annual events at Wired FM

Wednesday, 10 August

08:30 Registration (CS Atrium)
Paper Session 1 – Chair: Mikael Fernström
09:00 Christopher Oates, Eoin Mullan, Maarten van Walstijn, Real-Time synthesis and filtering with membrane models using digital waveguide extraction methods (CSG01)
09:30 David Ronan, The Physical Modelling of a Sitar (CSG01)
10:00 Joseph Timoney, Victor Lazzarini, Tom Lysaght, Jari Kleimola and Lorcan MacManus, Considerations for a Computational Estimation of the Complex FM Spectrum (CSG01)
10:30 Christopher Oates, Wolfgang Schildbach, Designing audio resamplers with psychoacoustics in mind. (CSG01)
11:00 Coffee (CS Atrium)
Paper Session 2 – Chair: Jürgen Simpson
11:30 Robin Parmar, No Input Software: Cybernetics, Improvisation and The Machinic Phylum (CSG01)
12:00 Timothy Schmele, On the creation of my second string quartet “Inharmonic Source Study II: Hypercolor” (CSG01)
12:30 John Samuel Greenwood, Times of the Sign (CSG01)
13:00 Lunch (CS Canteen)
Paper Session 3 – Chair: Léon McCarthy
14:00 Ivan T. Deasy, “I felt like an angel”: Space as mediator in experiences of ‘undergroundness’ (CSG01)
14:30 Sven Anderson, Distributed urban sound environments: Extending site-specific sound strategies for public urban spaces (CSG01)
15:00 Robert Mullen, Do the Irish Primary and Secondary Education systems sufficiently educate students in relation to auditory health? (CSG01)
15:30 Keynote: Frank Lyons, Overtures and New Beginnings (CSG01)
16:00 Workshop 2:Harry van Haaren, GNU/Linux & Ambisonic Audio (CSG27)
18:30 Reception (CS Atrium)Performance: Mikael Fernström, Sean Taylor, Re-mediation #5 of Marbh Chrios (Dead Zone)
21:00 Concert (CSG01)Dennis Wyres , Elements; Sarah Dunne, SOUND RE: SOUND; Eric Lyon,Clusters; Alex Dowling, Fireworks in the hands of little creatures; Hugh McCarthy, FM Hatchling; Gerard Gormley, Surface; Eric Lyon, Noise Quartet Octet; Enda Bates, Pulse

Thursday, 11 August

08:30 Registration (CS Atrium)
Paper Session 4 – Chair: Giuseppe Torre
09:00 Liam O’Sullivan, Frank Boland, An Easy-to-use, Standalone Software Tool for Mapping Musical Control Parameters
09:30 Marcin Gorzel, Gavin Kearney, Frank Boland, Web-based Tutorial for Ambisonics Theory
10:00 Conan Moriarity, Liam O’Sullivan, mtVJ: An expressive, audio-reactive video- jockey system
10:30 Coffee (CS Atrium)
11:00 Workshop 3:Cavan Fyans, Adnan Marquez-Borbon (CSG27)Hacking Digital Musical Interactions: Interaction design for DIY DMIs Workshop 4:Liam O’Sullivan (CS 305A)Sensor‐based Interactive Audio‐visual Art Using Open‐Source Software
14:00 Lunch
14:30 General Meeting (CSG25)
16:00 Concert (CSG01)Massimo Davi , Lame Lucenti; Breifne Holohan, Study for Sirens; Eleanor Stewart, ‘Work’; Thomas McConville, Daddy Says Its Like A Teddy On LSD; Thomas McConville, Lugs; Timothy Schmele, The Common Perkins Scream; Slavek Kwi, Subaquathumultrealith (Excerpt 123)
18:00 Artwalk led by Nicholas WardMalachy Ronan, Ghosts of the Year (CSG01); Miriam Lohan, Dispersal (CS Atrium); Mary Dempsey, Idir Dhá Sháile (CS entranceway); Trevor Furlong,SMILE (Henry Street and Sarsfield Street, Limerick); Enda Gallery, John Conway, Transmigration (Tom Collins Pub, Catherine Street);
21:00 Concert (Ormston Building, 9-10 O’Connell Street, Limerick)Bryan Quigley, B-Side (Part 1Part 2); Robin Parmar, No Input Software; JC Bihanic, Amy Kinlon, Mass; John D’Arcy, News Feed; Stephen McCourt, ac-5; Aranos (Petr Vastl), Concert No 42 for violin and HD

Participant list

Adnan Marquez-Borbon
Alex Dowling
Amy Kinlon
Breifne Holohan
Bryan Quigley
Cavan Fyans
Christopher Oates
Conan Moriarty
David Ronan
Dennis Wyers
Eleanor Stewart
Enda Bates
Enda Gallery
Eoin Mullan
Eric Lyon
Frank Boland
Gavin Kearney
Gerard Gormley
Harry van Haaren
Hugh McCarthy
Ivan T. Deasy
Jari Kleimola
JC Bihanic
John Conway
John D’Arcy
John Samuel Greenwood
Josephy Timoney
Liam O’Sullivan
Lorcan MacManus
Maarten van Walstign
Malachy Ronan
Marcin Gorzel
Mary Dempsey
Massimo Davi
Miriam Lohan
Robert Mullen
Robin Parmar
Sarrah Dunne
Slavek Kwi
Stephen McCourt
Sven Anderson
Thomas McConville
Timothy Schmele
Tom Lysaght
Trevor Furlong
Victor Lazzarini
Wolfgang Schildbach

Submission Chairs

Call for Papers/Posters: Paul Moore, University of Ulster
Call for Workshops: Victor Lazzarini, NUI Maynooth
Call for Sound Art/Installations: Linda O’Keeffe, NUI Maynooth
Call for Musical Works (Co-chairs): Kerry Hagan, University of Limerick; Brennon Bortz, Queen’s University Belfast; Patrick McGlynn, NUI Maynooth

Selection Committee

Paul Moore, Chair of Papers/Posters
Victor Lazzarini, Chair of Workshops
Linda O’Keeffe, Chair of Sound Art/Installations
Kerry Hagan, Co-Chair of Musical Works
Brennon Bortz, Co-Chair of Musical Works
Patrick McGlynn, Co-Chair of Musical Works
Tony Langlois, Mary Immaculate College
Nicholas Ward, University of Limerick
Darragh Pigott, University of Limerick

Organising Committee

Concerts: Darragh Pigott
Workshops and Art: Nicholas Ward
Papers: Kerry Hagan
Venues: Tony Langlois