Welcome to the Irish, Sound, Science and Technology Association.
The Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association is an organisation that seeks to bring together practitioners integrating fields of music, art, sound, science and technology. It serves musicians, researchers, scientists, engineers and artists by promoting sound within the arts, science and technology, within Irish and international communities. Since 2011, ISSTA has hosted an annual conference and festival, gathering researchers from around the globe to present papers, installations, concerts and workshops.
ISSTA 2016 from Pillarpix Media on Vimeo.
Currently, ISSTA is an organisation that provides the following services:
- Bringing together all practitioners who work in the merged fields of music and science or technology for collaboration and development.
- Encouraging collaboration in order to grow the sonic arts in Ireland with a focus on new and innovative technologies and research.
- Providing a membership directory to serve the purposes above.
- Promoting members’ activities with a focus on international exposure.
- Performing complementary functions to other music, arts and education associations and organisation in Ireland.
- Presenting an annual Irish Sound, Science and Technology Convocation (ISSTC), a hybrid conference and festival including paper presentations, poster presentations, demonstrations, concerts, performances, workshops and installations.
- Recognising extraordinary work by practitioners through awards and publications.
- Maintaining a web presence that will serve the function above
- Acoustics
- Acoustic Ecology
- Broadcasting
- Circuit Bending
- Computational
- Musicology
- Computer Music
- Digital Audio and Digital Signal Processing
- DJ Practice
- Electroacoustic
- Music History
- Interfaces for Music or Sound Laptop Music
- Live Electronics
- Live Sound Reinforcement
- Music Perception
- Music Recording and Production
- Music/Audio Software
- Noise Music
- Psychoacoustcs
- Recording Engineering
- Sound Art
- Soundscape Art/Studies
- Sound Diffusion and Spatialization
- Sound Engineering
- Sound Synthesis and Design
- Sound, Science and Technology
- Education/Pedagogy
ISSTA is currently a subscriber–funded organisation (via event fees) and is not in receipt of state funding; we regret that we are not currently in a position to pay artists’ fees or make contributions to travel expenses. The board serve on a voluntary basis.